EMS Communications & Care Coordination Hotline

Revolutionize Hospital Service & Patient Care

Establish a direct communication channel between first responders, hospital coordinator, and doctors and nurses

Eliminate your challenges. Deliver

Improved Patient Care


EMS Communications Emergency Hotline

 The ability to coordinate care quickly and efficiently between medical personnel like paramedics and hospital staff can mean the difference between life and death. Discover the new EMS Communications Hotline integrated with Deltapath Acute, a healthcare app. The groundbreaking solution streamlines patient care from the time first responders arrive on the scene until the patient is safely admitted to the hospital.

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What is Care Coordination?

Care coordination is a part of healthcare operations involving the organization of patient care activities to ensure the appropriate delivery of healthcare services. 

What Is EMS?

EMS stands for Emergency Medical Services. When someone experiences a medical emergency, EMS professionals respond to provide critical care.

Who Is A First Responder?

First responders are part of the EMS system. They are trained professionals who are the first to arrive and help at the scene of emergencies. They include firefighters, police officers, emergency medical technicians (EMTs), and paramedics. Their primary role is to assess the situation, provide immediate medical care if needed, ensure public safety, provide EMS communications, and mitigate further risks. 

The EMS Communications Hotline Solution

Dedicated EMS Communication Channel

The revolutionary healthcare hotline introduces an EMS communications channel that focuses on process improvement in healthcare. By facilitating real-time coordination between first responders, such as Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs), and hospitals, EMS calls ensure that treatment protocols begin at the first response level to improve operational efficiency.

Real-Time EMS Communication and Coordination

Leveraging the EMS Communications Hotline, first responders engage in a real-time EMS call with hospitals, fostering process improvement by enabling a seamless flow of critical information. This direct line of communication allows first responders to provide immediate updates on a patient's condition, share details on administered medications, and coordinate care strategies. The result is a significant boost in operational efficiency, as hospitals are better prepared to assess and treat patients upon arrival, ultimately leading to improved patient outcomes.

Discover How the EMS Communications Hotline Works

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1. Hotline EMS Call

On-call medical professionals, including nurses and doctors, operate the hotline. First responders such as paramedics initiate an EMS call to check if the hospital can accept the patient or begin care coordination for the patient's arrival.

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2. Group Call Setup

Once an EMS call is answered, it stops ringing for the initial call recipient but continues to ring for the other individuals in the call group. The nurses and doctors can accept or reject the call. If they take the call, they join an audio conference with a first responder and other medical personnel.

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3. Simultaneous Communication

This process allows multiple medical professionals to join the call, facilitating simultaneous communication and collaboration with the goal to improve healthcare operations and patient care. As a result of the call, medical professionals at hospitals can prepare the operating room, assemble the necessary staff, and receive vital patient information from the first responder in real-time.

Benefits Of The Hotline

EMS calls offer several significant benefits that enhance emergency medical services and patient care:

Improved Care Coordination: Real-time collaboration among various providers, specialists, and services ensures that patients receive the appropriate level of care promptly.

Enhanced Workflow: By streamlining communication and coordination, the hotline improves workflow efficiency, reducing delays in patient care.

Improved Patient Outcome: Faster response times and better-prepared hospital staff lead to improved patient outcomes, saving lives and improving the overall quality of care.

The EMS Communications Hotline revolutionizes patient care in healthcare facilities such as hospitals. By providing a robust communication channel that connects first responders such as ambulance technicians with hospital staff in real-time, patients receive critical care promptly, eliminating unnecessary delays. This cutting-edge healthcare service underscores an unwavering commitment to saving lives through enhanced coordination and process improvement.


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